
Sunday, September 25, 2022


With the onset of matripaksha and the mother's home coming, I pray to her to take away all the negativity and make our lives happy and prosperous.

Art by: Sujoy Basu
Written by: Sujoy Basu

Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Batman

With The Batman appearing on screen in a new avatar i also tried a new style of sketching "The Batman".

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Mind of an Artist

 The mind of an Artist is far fetched. If it can't reach out to something, they can create the same on paper.

I had a long weekend and was too excited to travel and enjoy with family. But, luck had other plans for me. So for 4 days I am down with fever. However, that doesn't stop my mind from travelling. When my friends travel and they share pics, I use a little bit of imagination and sketch it down on paper. And bingo i have reached the destination. It's right in front of my eyes.

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Saturday, January 8, 2022


A lot of stress, anxiety, depression, trauma over a long period of time may lead to a state of Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple or Split Personality Disorder. This disorder is a defence mechanism created by the mind to remove the effected person from the trauma, depression, stress or anxiety. People who suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder often have one or more seperate identities which effect their behaviour in different environments. And the person doesn't remember what happens when the other identity takes over. It's seems there's a gap in memory or the person seems to hallucinate. It effects the persons ability to connect with reality

Although Jim Carrey made it look funny in the movie "Me, Myself and Irene", it's actually painful for the person suffering and equally painful and confusing for the people around. Although this disease is very rare but if we see someone suffering from such, we should be patient with the person and supportive.

So try to avoid stress and anxiety. Don't keep pent up feelings or trauma to yourself. Don't hesitate speaking your heart out. Those suffering from the same can always connect to me to speak your heart out over a chat. A hearty request please don't pent up your feelings and stress yourself.

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Monday, November 22, 2021

Every man is a Kid at heart


With international men's day just past round the corner, I had a few lines and an illustration to pen down. 

We all have a child hidden somewhere deep down. We are always afraid that it will spring out, but we train ourselves from a very early age to suppress the child. We keep it hidden, locked up in constant fear of what others will think. 

Some brave ones think someday when the right time comes they will let the child out. But at times it's too late. So late that we realise that the child is so lost that we can't reach out to help.

So at times it's ok to the let the child out. At times it's ok to forget what others will think. At times be the child inside.

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Monday, November 15, 2021

Monument of Friedrich Schiller, Frankfurt/Main, Hesse, Germany, Europe

A quick sketch of the monument of Friedrich Schiller, Frankfurt/Main, Hesse, Germany, Europe.

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Ugrasen ki Baoli

 Its a quick sketch of Ugrasen ki Baoli, Delhi. It's a stepwell in Delhi which was built around 3000BC by famous king Ugrasen/ Agrasen.

However, other than the historical facts there's one thought that keeps on coming in my mind. This monument has been a standing testament of hundreds and thousands of incidents. What if one day the monument comes alive? Then its each brick, each stone will have thousands and thousands of stories to say.

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Getting high

When I get high

I head for the sky

It seems I can fly

Things float by

And the things I see.... oh my my.

Please don't take the above seriously, the write up is an attempted cover up for the what ever I have sketched. I naturally get high on laziness nothing else. But those who do get high on what ever they do, will be able to relate.

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:


Monday, August 30, 2021

The Story


At first thought, the shadow holding the light, in the darkness, was comforting. However, the dilemma was to stay in the comfort of the darkness or follow the shadow holding the light.

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Saturday, August 28, 2021



This year we celebrated 75th year of independence on 15th August. The day we were declared no longer under the imperial British rule. But are we actually free? Have we got real freedom? Have we been passed on from one tyrant to another? 

I don't know, I just pen down what ever thought bugs me.

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Saturday, August 7, 2021

The Rains

The rainy season is here, and the rains have a special capability. They bring a lot of things along with them.

They bring........

The fresh smell of earth drenched with the rain water, the soothing greenery all around after getting washed in the downpour, the smell of piping hot tea/coffee while its pouring outside, the lazy rainy afternoon and one thing that's always connected to all of these.... Memories.

So when it rains, do we get drenched in the downpour or we get drench in the memories? The woman in the sketch is one (like all of us) who is not only getting drenched in the downpour of memories but also clings on to them as these memories are so dear to her..... Like the rains.

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


When ever we scroll through our childhood memories, we often tend to recall specific incidents or events recorded by our minds. Most of the time it's because these incidents are those where family or siblings were involved.

A few days back my sister and I were reminiscing my birthday celebration every year. My birthday used to be very special because our exams used to end, our summer vacations used to start, my birthday being on a public holiday everyone used to be at home and last but not the least it used to be made special by a group of people celebrating the public holiday early morning in a small park near our house.

As my sister and I were discussing it brought out the above sketch in my mind, to which even my sister quickly agreed to.

 So a small part of my childhood wrapped with warm memories for all of you

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID:

Sunday, July 11, 2021


A smile is not always a smile. It's your perspective, it depends on which side of the picture you are, is it a 6 or a 9?

It's true and we have to realise that at times what seems to be a smile can be very difficult for the person to put up. It may have a sad face hidden. Probably the person seeing the pic is not on the correct side. Flip to see the fun.

Think! That's what this page is about and at times look at the other side of the picture before your perspective is formed

Written by: Sujoy Basu

Art by: Sujoy Basu

Email ID: