
Friday, June 5, 2020

Time Travel

Art by: Sujoy Basu
Written by: Sujoy Basu

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Time travel is a huge theory. In layman's terms you can either travel to the past or the future.

Some mathematicians and physicists will argue about whether we can travel at all in time? Whether we can travel to the past or to the future? Or is it possible to make changes there? I am not well equipped to answer that. As an artist it's a mesmerizing thought and that thought has forced a sketch that I have penned down.

Some experts say that time travel is like a paradox or a loop in time. Once again I am no one to comment on that. But the idea is thrilling, and to keep that idea active and working in your mind a great Daoist thinker once said that he dreamt that he was a butterfly, and he believed it so much that when he woke up, he was a bit confused whether he was a man who had dreamt he was a butterfly or whether now he was a butterfly dreaming he is a man.

Look carefully you may find hints of the same in the sketch.

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